Kids Face Painting - Easy for Kids Can Do It

It's easy and safe with face paints and a few simple accessories in this book in the Kids Can Do It series! Step-by-step instructions, clear illustrations and imaginative tips show kids how to be a * fearless pirate * beautiful butterfly * daffy Dalmatian * roaring lion * scary skeleton * wacky alien ...
Grade 1-4-A wonderful introduction to this fun activity. She begins by firing readers' imaginations with, "You can become-," then digs right in explaining what supplies are needed.
She includes step-by-step instructions for 16 of the most commonly requested faces, rules for safety, and the all-important cleanup tips. Clear, full-color photographs and drawings of children in the makeup accompany the instructions. These simple illustrations are charming and helpful, leaving no doubt as to what supplies are needed. Except for the face paint itself, most of these items are readily available. If you already have a good book on the subject, this one is probably not needed. However, it is an excellent choice for beginners, providing basic information and delightful examples.
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